Sunday, September 1, 2013

Weekly Goals, September 2, 2013

My list from last week turned upside down...
Weekly Goals, August 26, 2013

1) Sort Through Toys Not Done
2) List Thirty-One Products on Shop the House Started
(I've decided to sell my 31 bags that I purchased for my business but don't need.)
3) Clean House Worked on but will not ever finish if people continue to live here.  :-)

Our moving plans have been put on hold.  There was another delay in the mortgage process and we're hoping that it will be within the next month.  Although it is really disappointing, I'm going to try to look at the only positive thing I can find.  It will give me a longer opportunity to get things ready.

Moving plans:
1) Laundry Room
2) Curio Cabinet
3) Basement Play Room
4) Liam's Room
5) Our Bedroom

Things started falling apart on our mortgage application the week before.  I had a couple rays of hope but they didn't turn out.  We lost the house we were trying to buy when our application was turned down.

It's fixable though.  The woman who messed things up no longer works for the mortgage company and I have a workable plan to fix things on our end.  My husband and I have talked (Well, mostly me.  But I did get him to nod his head a few times) and we should be able to reapply the beginning of November.

Everything works out for a reason... but I'm still devastated. 

Plus, it's effecting more than just my children, my husband and me, which is sometimes more than I can handle.

Weekly Goals for September 2, 2013

1) Budget, save, budget and save some more?

2) Mop floors

3) Tame the clean laundry monster that lives in our room and in Liam's room

4) Find 5 things to sell

5) Prepare Winter Clothes that Liam has grown out of to take to consignment store

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