Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Woman Who Fears the Lord #8

The Woman Who Fears the Lord
A Study of Proverbs 31
Verse 17
"She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong."
I'm pretty sure we're not talking about fashionable clothes here.
Mrs. Proverbs is one tough cookie.  She was physically able to handle all the manual labor that needed to be done back in biblical times.
There was no kitchen aid to mix her cookies.
There was no bread machine to make her bread.
There was no washer and dryer to do her laundry.
There was no dishwasher, no coffee pot, no crockpot, no car,
and no grocery store to pick up a few things.
I'm sure that she didn't need a gym membership because her work was very intense.
It kind of makes me think about how easy we have it.
What does that mean for me?
I have a washer, dryer, dishwasher, bread machine, kitchen aid, mini-van, lawn mower, computer and a long list of stores for my choosing.
What would it look like for me to be one tough cookie?
For starters, I wouldn't need to take a nap everyday.  Naps are a family tradition and they are a cheap anti-depressant when I am having a hard time with things.  I remember when I first went back to working full time three years ago.  I wondered how I would ever make it without my afternoon nap.
I am able to hold down a full time job just fine.  No naps required.  I just have to be super religious about my sleeping patterns.  And, drink lots of coffee.
I'm not willing to totally give up naps when I return to being a stay at home mom.  Children needing you in the dead of night, an extra long day or week, or an emotionally taxing period of time requires a nap.
To limit the amount of naps I need, I will need to exercise more.  When I am walking 30 minutes, 3-6 times a week, I have a lot more energy.  I'm excited about moving and having sidewalks to go for walks on.  Plus, a state park with lots of walking trails is only a 5 minute drive.
Eating healthy will also give me more energy.  Fewer refined sugars and lots of fresh produce are important keys for me. 
Changing my lifestyle to include a healthier diet and more exercise has been on my mind a lot.
I am strong but there is lots of room for improvement.
I want to be a tough cookie just like our friend, Mrs. Proverbs.

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