Sunday, July 28, 2013

Weekly Goals July 29, 2013

Weekly goals for 7-22-13

1) Pick up a few treats for Matt's belated birthday celebration with his friends.  Check.  Matthew had a great time with friends when I took them to see the movie "Turbo."  I gave myself a small pat on the shoulder for getting the b-day party done before his next birthday.  When I told him that I would have owed him 2 birthday parties, he said "No, mom.  Only one.  I can miss a birthday party, it's okay."  Very sweet, but I don't think he knows what he's talking about. 

Or, maybe he does...

 2) Water plant, every day.  4 out of 7 days.  I only did one of these days and the other days I got Matthew to do it for me.  Needless to say, my plant is still very sad.

 3) Make Laundry Soap.  Check.  I made it before I left for work Tuesday morning and my husband put it in to the gallon containers after it had cooled.

4) Enlist the help of my family to straighten up the house for the friends we have coming to visit.  Check.  The house was not spotless but I wasn't horribly embarrassed.  I figured they were coming to see us and not our house anyway.

5) Go to the library.  I never found time.  :-(

Weekly goals for 7-29-13

1) Have my husband take the boys to the library.
2) Sort through Liam's clothes.  Replace all the 2T shirts and pajamas with 4T shirts and pajamas.

We're going to be moving starting in about 4 weeks.  It's to a small town just south of where we live now, about a 20 minute drive.  I've been putting off making plans until things were official and I got word this week that it's as official as we're going to get until we sign the-- home purchased/it's officially yours/your prayers have been answered --papers.

Now, I need a plan.  A loose, flexible, don't flip out on me plan.  So, here's where I'll start:

Organize and pack the following areas-

1) Coat Closet
2) Entertainment Center
3) The Table Where We Sort Our Mail
4) Laundry Room
5) Den

I'm going to be working 60-70 hours this week (60 definitely, the additional 10 depends on home visits).  I'm going to take 15 minutes here, 20 minutes there and 5 minutes somewhere else and just see what I can get done.

 I refuse to stress out...  I will remain calm...  I will not buckle under pressure.

ABOVE ALL ELSE, Read my devotion every day.

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