Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Woman Who Fears the Lord #10

The Woman Who Fears the Lord
A Study of Proverbs 31
Verse 19
"In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers."
I had no idea what a distaff was.  Good thing we live in an age where Goggle helps answer our questions.  Thanks to Disney, I knew what a spindle was. 
Our dear friend, Mrs. Proverbs, took care of her household in everyway.  She was a jack of all trades.  If she had a resume it would include the skill of using a staff (which holds the wool, flax, etc. without letting it get tangled) and a spindle (which spins the wool, flax, etc. into thread, yarn, etc.)
Before factories, Walmart, Kohls and JoAnn Fabrics you had to make your own material for clothes, curtains, tablecloths, towels, etc. 
Thank goodness we live in the 21st century.  I can't see my husband herding and sheering sheep while I wait for him at home with my distaff and spindle. 
The mental picture makes me laugh.
How then, can we use this verse to strengthen and encourage us?
Clothing my family is hard work.
Although it may seem easy to go out and purchase what we need at the store instead of starting from scratch like our friend, Mrs. Proverbs, we do have our own challenges to face.
My current challenge is how to get the clothes we need and still keep within our budget.
My husband has needed to replace his holey shirts and pants for while now.
I noticed both of our son's pants were looking a little short the other day.
And me?  I'm still trying to figure out where my clothes are going to fit.
For now, I'm going to focus on them and pray that the answer comes to me.
Things in the 21st century can be just as complicated as when King Solomon wrote Proverbs 31.
Not staff and spindle complicated, but still complicated indeed.
A link to the series "The Woman Who Fears the Lord"

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