Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Woman Who Fears the Lord #13

The Woman Who Fears the Lord
A Study of Proverbs 31
Verse 22
"She makes bed coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple."

If you have read any of my previous posts about our gal Mrs. Proverbs, you should remember that this is an area where I am seriously lacking.

When I was single, before I had children and before I realized that our budget was tight, I bought clothes.  And shoes.  Now, my closet was never over flowing, but I certainly had plenty.

The last four years have been full of financial struggles.  We aren't homeless or hungry, but we have had to realize that we have to make some hard choices.  One area that has been cut has been my clothing allowance. 
(I'm pretty much the one who figures up the budget
and I'm the one who cut it.)

Mrs. Proverbs, you make your own blankets, sheets and quilts.  You dress in fashionable clothing that makes you stand out as a classy woman.

What can I learn from you?

Bed coverings must have been a big thing back in the Bible says.  I typically close our bedroom door when we have guests and my husband is OCD about the sheets and blankets, so I just leave the bed coverings up to him.  We have a quilt that my mother made us and the rest has been purchased from a store.  No Susie Homemaker here.

How I dress is important.  I'm sure God doesn't look at my stained shirt and my ripped jeans and say, "Wow.  I'm super disappointed in you." 

But, God did call each of us to minister to our husbands and those around us.  For me, it's easier to have the confidence to talk to someone if I'm not wearing stained clothing and ripped jeans. 

(But that could just be the circle I run in.)

For my husband, I believe that I need to do my best to remain attractive to him.  This can relate to the above verse in regards to clothing but I believe it goes much deeper than what is on the outside.  My attitude, spirit and heart are key in maintaining a healthy and joyful marriage.  Not just my clothes.

So, again I will say that I had better be more intentional when it comes to clothing. 

Moving slowly towards being a woman who fears the Lord, one outfit at a time.


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