Thursday, November 19, 2015


She was beautiful, funny, talented, and obviously comfortable with who she was as a person.  Accomplished.

I have been pushing myself lately.  Making choices and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.  Put on a smile, and pretend you not only know what you're doing, but that you have complete confidence in yourself.

Fake it 'til you make it.

I sat there, studying her, and felt insignificant. There were voices in the back of my mind that reminded me not to compare myself.  They whispered words of encouragement about the unique journey I was on.

But the other voices were louder.  I couldn't sing like that.  My voice was not strong.  Dreams I have had since I was young were locked in a box that was covered with layers of dust.  I could never make it because I wasn't pretty enough.  It wasn't enough.  I wasn't enough.

Hours later, I read these words in the book "Hands Free Life" by Rachel Macy Stafford. 

"And that's when I leaned forward and lowered my voice to almost a whisper.  "Maybe you don't make it to The Voice.  Maybe you don't make the pros or land a book deal.  That doesn't mean you didn't succeed.  Maybe sharing your journey, your dream, or what excites your heart is the achievement.  Maybe inspiring someone else to see his or her life differently is the success."

Page 182 and 183

When I first committed to moving towards being "Hands Free," I thought it would be for my children.

I didn't understand that I needed it, too.

It's easy to get caught up in a culture where being famous is idolized.  We forget that the people in our home and in our community can be deeply impacted by how we choose to live our lives.

Find your gift, your purpose, your passion, and live it without fear.


Stephanie said...

I love this entry! I love you! <3

Wendelyn Daly said...

It's scary to admit how I feel. Thank you for your encouraging words. They mean so much. By the way, I love you, too.