Friday, January 22, 2016

My Kid In the Kitchen: Boxed Cake with Homemade Frosting

Matthew is nine (and a half), and wants to be the next Master Chef, Jr.  I am his mother and I have serious control issues when it comes to the kitchen.  Can we say OCD?  Yet, I am on this homeschool journey to raise children who are not only academically intelligent, but creative, responsible, and interdependent.

(Please note: you do not have to be homeschooling your children to journey with me.  That little piece of info simply lets you in on my frame of mind.)

He's failed at cakes before by not adding the right amount of certain ingredients.  This time, the cake turned out just right.

The frosting recipe is from my Godmother.  This was the first time I stood back and watched him independently read the recipe and make it...

("I think I know that 8's too high")

...and frost it.

(With a clean shirt.)

Serve it.

I watched as my son felt the thrill of accomplishment.  He successfully completed a life skill from beginning to end, without the help of his recovering-control-freak mother.

The house was still standing. 
The world was still spinning.

All there was left for me to do was to eat cake.

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