Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Singing Brings Me Joy, Part 1

I love singing and I love beautiful music.  It speaks to my spirit.  There are times when I feel closest to God through music.
I started singing in front of people when I was two years old.  My mother always told the story about how she, my sister and I were in front of the congregation singing, when she noticed that people were chuckling.  Unable to figure what was going on, she looked down at me.  I had lifted up my skirt and was doing a saloon girl dance.  In church. 
I don't do that anymore.  At least not in front of other people.
We sang together as a family until I was 27 and my mom passed away from cancer.  I tried singing a solo at our small country church but couldn't even remember the words.  I went back to what I was comfortable with.  Singing with my children, singing with my students and singing in the shower.
Fast forward a few years...
My husband and I began attending a larger church.  At first I was satisfied with just going to church and leaving without having to help or spend any other time there.  My ministry is in the home and I didn't think there room for anything else.
About 5 months after we began attending this church, they had a "Volunteer Sunday."  On Volunteer Sunday, people walk around and talk to the various kinds of ministry within the church and sign up to help if they feel lead to.  I, however, wasn't feeling lead, but I was feeling lonely.  Volunteering would be a good way to meet people and maybe begin to build friendships within our new church family.  It made sense to me and so one of the things I signed up for was to be a part of the worship team.
It took some time and some healing but I grew to love being a part of the worship team!  I loved it so much that I prayed God would give me more opportunities to sing.  Let's just say that I should be careful what I pray for...
 or at least more specific.

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