Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Woman Who Fears the Lord #1

Studying the Bible has never been something I was strong at.  I've tried and tried and tried but it often felt like Greek to me.  Or, should I say Hebrew.  Either way, I find myself reading the words but unable to really understand it.  I'm ever so slowly beginning to change...
The Woman Who Fears the Lord
A Study of Proverbs 31
Verse 10
"An excellent wife who can find?  She is far more precious than jewels."
Who determines that a woman is an excellent wife?  My first thought would be the husband but I find that discouraging.  I don't know if my own husband ever thinks that way.  He loves me and I'm sure he appreciates me, in his own way. 
The only One who can truly know if a wife is excellent would be God.  He knows our inner thoughts and desires.  He understands how hard we try and He sees our past, present and future
This wife is of high cost or worth; valuable.  She is highly esteemed; cherished, dear and beloved.  She is treasured or esteemed.
Writing this makes me feel a little overwhelmed.  Okay, really overwhelmed.  I don't feel like I am all those things. 
What does God think?
A jewel takes time to develop. Consider the diamond.  It is a jewel and it develops under heat and pressure.  That kind of describes the experiences of a wife.   Heat... Pressure...
God is using my life, with all it's heat and pressure, to develop me into the wife He wants me to be.  The wife He knows my husband needs.  An excellent wife who is cherished and treasured.
The definitions for precious and jewels were found on

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