Friday, June 13, 2014

Not By My Own Strength

Once upon a time there was a little girl who dreamed of how perfect her life would be when she grew up.  She would get married and be the best wife her husband could possibly have.  They would have oodles of children and she would be patient, loving and kind to her children.  Their home would always be clean and organized and she would always have fresh baked goodies available to visitors who would stop by... to visit her spotless home and her well behaved children.

Fairy tale meet reality.

Life is messy.

My house is messy.

I can't keep fresh baked goods around because I will eat them.

Getting enough sleep doesn't happen very often.

Loved ones die.

Children have minds of their own and they make mistakes... often.

My marriage is made up of two imperfect people.

I often feel that I am not talented, funny, organized, smart, pretty, kind, patient, or wise enough.

Then, in those quiet moments (when I am not so tired) I feel at peace with where I am in life.

Far from done but farther than I ever was before.

Not by my own strength.

And I am thankful.

I started this blog over a year ago to document my life journey and maybe, just maybe, inspire someone along the way.

Here are just a few highlights from my life since I last posted...

We bought a house and moved.  (LOVE IT!!!)

My mother-in-law passed away.

We added a four legged family member to our home.

I gave my notice at my job and am officially a stay-at-home mom.

My husband and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary.

My oldest son turned eight.

I competed in a local singing contest and made it to the third round.

My husband and our oldest son got baptized.